What is Emmet?

Photo by Yancy Min on Unsplash

What is Emmet?

a very useful tool for begginers

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Emmet is a set of plugins that helps you to code faster and code-less and edits in HTML and XML, and it is mainly used in code editors like VScode atoms, etc.

Emmet cheat-sheet --> https://docs.emmet.io/cheat-sheet/

direct download link----> http://bit.ly/2mLmFAn

How to get Emmet in VScode? https://dev.to/raaynaldo/speed-up-code-your-html-using-emmet-in-vscode-nesting-operators-201o

What are Emmet abbreviations?

Abbreviations are the heart of the Emmet toolkit: these special expressions are parsed in runtime and transformed into structured code blocks, HTML for example. The abbreviation's syntax looks like CSS selectors with a few extensions specific to code generation. So every web developer already knows how to use it.

emmet abbreviations docs----> https://docs.emmet.io/abbreviations/

Emmet 2.0 in vscode-> https://code.visualstudio.com/blogs/2017/08/07/emmet-2.0

Why you should use Emmet in your text editor?

  • you don't have to write HTML boilerplate again and again because use can do it very quickly by using the emmet shortcut

  • the coolest thing to use in emmet is its syntax like child and sibling we can create structure very quickly